Available R&D Partners in Israel

Find a suitable partnership from our list of R&D partners in Israel

To allow us to streamline processes and serve companies better, beginning from January 2023, SIIRD will be migrating all partner search listings to our new B2Match platform. With B2Match, companies can now initiate direct contact with their companies of interest and schedule meetings with them directly via the platform. Companies can also create and update their profiles directly, where changes will be reflected immediately as well. This would allow companies to share and access the most updated company information, as well as be able to build multiple connections more quickly and seamlessly. The platform is open to both new and existing SIIRD partner search listings, so join us at B2Match to find your ideal partner today!

During this transition, existing profiles will continue to be listed on the SIIRD website. If you would like to remove your listing, or if you require more information or further assistance, please feel free to reach us at:

Singapore companies: siird@enterprisesg.gov.sg

Israeli companies: tal.ba@innovationisrael.org.il

For enquiry, please get in touch with us.