



Zeev Efrat











Technology Classification

Urban water systems

Main Business Activity

Multi-layer leak detection for urban water systems

Company Profile, Products & Technologies, Target Market:

Aquarius Spectrum Ltd. was founded in 2009 by a team of experienced engineers and executive.
The company is a part of Hutchinson Water portfolio, and is the recipient of innovation grants by the Israel Chief Scientist Office.
Aquarius Spectrum has developed a near real-time, automatic leak detection system based on continuous acoustic monitoring, using fixed correlating sensors.The correlating sensors and innovative software enables comprehensive coverage of over 500 meter of pipe per sensor.
For water utilities starting to adapt Smart Water Networks (SWNs) solutions for reducing Non-Revenue Water (NRW), Aquarius Spectrum system provides the most advanced, reliable and easy to implement solution.The sensors are installed at distances of 300-500 on fire hydrants over urban pipe network and use 3G cellular communication and GPS based time synchronization. The software is provided as SaaS (software as a Service).
The system is easily deployed, highly sensitive and the SaaS support translates into maximal use of the system data supplied.
In addition, by providing data mining, the system allows pipe replacement decisions to be made on the basis of specific economic criteria rather than routine periodic pipe replacement.
The system is currently operating in two cities in Israel.
The company is now perusing new customers in Israel and setting the infrastructure for deployment worldwide.

Brief Description of Proposed R&D Project:

Urban water systems have different characteristics in different locations around the world.
In each location, country or district there are many different characters and parameters that effect the ability to maintain water networks.
The ability to provide high level detection and location of water leaks and assets control for water pipes networks is based on a deep knowledge of the acoustic attenuation and other pipe material parameters.
There is a requirement for a detailed work to determine the acoustic coefficients of the water pipe network in any part of the world.
The project will develop a measuring method and tools to enable actual leak detection capabilities in the Asian market.

Role of Requesting Company in Proposed R&D Project:

Aquarius Spectrum has software and hardware product of leak detection as well as the know how and the infrastructure for the software development locally. Our role will be to develop our algorithms and filters that will support other countries and provide the leak detection system operation in Singapore and other Asian markets.

Desired Profile of R&D Partner and its role in the proposed project:

The role of the partner should be good know how and understanding of water pipe networks in the region. Engineering capabilities for field test and calculation of gathered data, software capabilities to work together on the data and build infrastructure of data for the rejoin. As well engineering capabilities for hardware installation.

For enquiry, please get in touch with us.