NeuroBrave Ltd.


NeuroBrave Ltd.


Dror Talisman








Technology Classification

Healthcare & Biomedical

Main Business Activity

Wearable devices, consumer electronics, XR/AR/VR

Company Profile, Products & Technologies, Target Market:

NeuroBrave Ltd.
Founded 2020
25 employees
offices in Japan (Tokyo), Europe (UK), Israel (Tel Aviv)
17 R&D employees, most of us senior and very experienced (4 teams – science and data, signal processing, Deep learning, Backend software)

Vision: Help every individual in the world be a better self
Mission: To be on every consumer and commercial wearable device from Smartwatches to Smart Eyewear, decoding real-time cognitive and emotional states and providing useful insights for better health, mental wellness, productivity and well-being.

NeuroBrave – Turning Signals into Insights
We develop AI and software solutions to connect people and technology through everyday wearable devices, biosensors, neural and brain technologies.
We’re a B2B2C company, collaborating and partnering with devices and hardware OEMs, sensors manufacturers, corporate innovation labs, and corporates in the Wearables (smartwatches, fit trackers), Hearables (headphones, earbuds, earphones), gaming, manufacturing, healthcare, wellness and mental wellness to implement and distribute new valuable and needed solutions for a better future.

Our product: NeuroSpeed OS – is a secure, hardware agnostic cloud/on premise/on chip software and AI platform, providing real-time signal processing and Deep Learning insights on people’s emotional and cognitive states, like accurate stress, anxiety, focus, attention, engagement, fatigue, workload, positive and negative emotional response and many more – all in real-time, accurate and scientifically validated.

Target markets: Wearable devices, consumer electronics, consumer wellness, corporate employees wellness and healthcare, stress management, anxiety monitoring, gaming, XR/AR/VR, manufacturing, drivers safety, brain health, sports and fitness

Brief Description of Proposed R&D Project:

  1. Develop a generic solution (software + hardware) to measure and decode brain waves (EEG) and skin conductivity (EDA/GSR) for the wearable devices industry – Smartwatches, headsets, earbuds, earphones, smart eyewear, XR/AR/VR
  2. Develop a good biometric solution (and application) to monitor, manage and reduce stress, anxiety and depression for consumers and corporate employees
  3. Develop software + hardware to monitor drivers’ drowsiness and fatigue for the mobility, safety and insurance industries
  4. Develop software + hardware to monitor construction workers and industrial workers cognitive states for safety and productivity

Role of Requesting Company in Proposed R&D Project:

We will develop the signal processing and Deep Learning algorithms, conduct experiment, collect data, train the neural networks, and validate the results to work in consumer/corporate environments. We can also help with the sensor design and embedded software if needed

Desired Profile of R&D Partner and its role in the proposed project:

1. Hardware and sensor design, manufacturing reference designs for the sensor in the Smartwatch. headset or earbuds
2. Application development for wellness, healthcare and stress management for consumers/corporate employees and managers
3. Hardware, sensors and application development for drivers’ safety

For enquiry, please get in touch with us.