










Technology Classification

Advanced Manufacturing

Company Profile, Products & Technologies, Target Market:

Our company is offering solutions for military industry mainly but also for commercial market.

We have in-house R&D projects for land military applications. We are looking for partner from military or other industry whose products can be fit to our R&D projects, so we can together bring turn-key solution to the market.

We are team of 8 people, with 3 R&D staff.

Currently we are mainly offering solutions for military industry. Like military shelters, masts, platforms, trailers, generators for fixed Land applications or for mobile ones.

Our main customers in military industry are big OEM which integrate our solutions to their final projects.

Brief Description of Proposed R&D Project:

We need a partner in Singapore who is manufacturing hydraulic parts and tubes or is in the similar hydraulic manufacturing business, who can support us with hydraulic parts needed for manufacturing of hydraulic masts.

Military masts carry radars, cameras, sensors, observation and surveillance systems.

Beside that we want that our masts have dual use, meaning for commercial uses also, for observation and altitude cameras for surveillance of oil and gas platforms, marine area, firefighting, Mobile cellular transmission and reception, lighting and more.

Role of Requesting Company in Proposed R&D Project:

Our company is already working on R&D of new products, we will provide with high-experienced R&D team and mast design, and together with support of partner’s team we will manufacture high-quality mast for military and commercial use.

Our role will be designing and development, and bringing market cases into the project in order to build high-end solution.

Desired Profile of R&D Partner and its role in the proposed project:

Seeking for a partner who is manufacturer of hydraulic parts and expert in this field, who can support us with its expertise in manufacturing of the masts.

We would like from the partner to help us out with masts manufacturing by producing hydraulic parts for building them.

For enquiry, please get in touch with us.