Tracense Systems Ltd


Tracense Systems Ltd


Ricardo Osiroff










Technology Classification

Homeland Security

Main Business Activity

Explosives, chemical and biological threat detectors

Company Profile, Products & Technologies, Target Market:

Tracense develops ultra-sensitive detectors powered by proprietary nano-technology innovation. A large array of nano-sensors built on a small silicon chip can detect explosives, chemical and biological threats with unsurpassed sensitivity, exceptional reliability, high throughput and at much lower costs than available technologies.
The company targets multi-billion Defense and Homeland Security markets with applications in airport, border and critical infrastructure security, law enforcement, military ground forces, government buildings, etc.

Brief Description of Proposed R&D Project:

To design, build, and validate hand held detection devices for outdoor use, based on the company’s inventions and know how.
The multi-disciplinary project involves designs tasks in the fields of: semiconductor fabrication, surface chemistry, mechanics, electronics, data analysis and algorithms. Following the design and test phase, the project will include mass-volume manufacturing readiness.

Role of Requesting Company in Proposed R&D Project:

To provide the basic detection technology and know-how gathered during the last 5 years of developing stationary detection systems.

Desired Profile of R&D Partner and its role in the proposed project:

The desired partner would:
– take part in the product specifications to adapt it to Far East customers
– take part in the engineering tasks in all or some of the above-mentioned fields.
– prepare for industrialization of all processes
– be responsible for manufacturing readiness
– be responsible for compliance with all safety codes and other local regulation
– be responsible for the its own financial obligations within the framework of the project.

Preferably, the partner would already have a reputation and a position in the Defense/HLS markets.

For enquiry, please get in touch with us.