



Danny Weissberg









Technology Classification

Healthcare IT

Main Business Activity

Enabling people with speech impairments to communicate naturally with anyone using their own voices

Company Profile, Products & Technologies, Target Market:

An Israeli SME has developed an advanced voice recognition system enabling people with severe motor, speech and language disorders and communication disabilities to naturally communicate with people, control devices (tablets, PC, Smartphones) and apps (browse the web, play games) using their own voice.

Speech Impairments existing solution:
Approximately 1.5% of the population cannot rely on their natural speech to meet their daily communication needs (Beukelman & Mirend, 2013).
Speech impairments have a variety of AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication) solutions, such as communication boards, head tracking, eye tracking and switches.
However those solutions are awkward and unnatural interfaces, require special hardware (restricting users to expensive devices), and degrade natural speech.

VoiceItt solution for Speech Impairments:
VoiceItt is developing a revolutionary patent -pending solution that will enable people with speech impairments to communicate naturally with anyone using their own voices, translating their distorted pronunciation to intelligible speech.
For example, a person says “o-ko-la” and software translate it to “chocolate”
The software-based solution does not require hardware and can run on any computerized device (PC, tablet or smartphone) and can be integrated in Apps (browsers, games, communication boards) and assistive devices (smart home, wheelchairs, emergency calls), demonstrated in the Disability Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rf5rpvaN4nI

Benefits and Social Impact:
The solution will free the user from restricting devices, remove social barriers, dramatically lower the cost, and encourage the user using his voice leading to improving speech skills.
VoiceItt’s solution has drawn enthusiasm from field experts around the globe (speech & occupational therapists, University professors) and has the potential to dramatically improve the quality of life of millions of people.

The company would like to enter a joint venture or commercial agreement with tech. assistance with companies and organizations with the goal of implementing the system in new markets.

Brief Description of Proposed R&D Project:

  1. A) Integration of VoiceItt technology (translation of distorted pronunciation to intelligible speech or commands), into 3rd party Apps (browsers, games, communication boards) and assistive devices (smart home, wheelchairs, emergency calls).
    B) Adaptation of the technology SDK to different segments of population (stroke victims, cerebral palsy, autism, Parkinson, ALS , etc.) in different native languges, by creating voice recording database and testing on end users.

Role of Requesting Company in Proposed R&D Project:

Developing and improving the speech recognition for disability technological infrastructure:
A) Extending the disabled dictionary.
B) Better adaptation to different segments of population (stroke victims, cerebral palsy, autism, Parkinson, ALS , etc.) in different native languages.
C) Integration with 3rd party App or device
D) Improving adaptive learning mechanism.

Desired Profile of R&D Partner and its role in the proposed project:

  1. A) Companies developing assistive device software (such as communication boards) and Manufacturer of electronic assistive technology and Hardware (wheelchairs, eye-tracking, head-tracking, etc.)
    B) Manufacturer and distributor of medical equipment non-acute used in the home health care.
    C) Manufacturer computer access needs for persons with physical and mobility impairments
    D) Company that making a difference in the lives of people with disabilities by creating assistive technology products that increase their independence.The partners will facilitate the involvement of all stakeholders involved in the value chain of product design and development, and will make them active contributors in this process. They will offer the means both for interactive collaboration, social networking and information sharing amongst all these stakeholders, as well as for all three phases (foresight, creativity and design) of the innovation process lifecycle management.

For enquiry, please get in touch with us.