Woosh Water Systems ltd.


Woosh water systems ltd.


Ohad Maimon










Technology Classification

Smart city water IOT

Main Business Activity

Smart water stations for public domains in urban environment (bottle filling stations of purified water)

Company Profile, Products & Technologies, Target Market:

woosh®- general information:
Woosh provides tasty, cool and safe purified drinking water to people on the go in an eco-friendly way. We offer a comprehensive alternative to consuming bottled water, hence producing plastic waste & carbon emissions, in urban environments.
Woosh offers an End-to-End service –
We conduct our own R&D; manufacture all technology in-house; provide full deployment, operational maintenance, and 24/7 water and systems monitoring; provide excellent human customer service and high-end data management tools to customers.
Our Solution:
Woosh offers a network of smart water stations that make reliable, chilled and tasty drinking water available in public spaces and city streets. The stations are fully computerized, offer a quick sanitizing feature to personal bottles and an eco-feedback to the city and users about their ecological savings. Our motto is to improve the way we drink water, we call it “positive Drinking”.

The potential market is composed of 3 sub-markets:
1. Bottled water- The targeted global bottled water market is expected to have a value of $86,421 billion. Woosh will initially target the “on the go” segment with a value of more than $14 billion per year.

2. Smart city- “Frost & Sullivan” research estimates a combined market potential of $1.5 trillion globally for the smart city market in segments of energy, transportation, healthcare, building, infrastructure, and governance…

3. IOT – The global Internet of Things IoT market is expected to grow by more than $5 trillion over the next six years, according to IT research agency, International Data Corporation (IDC). In its study, Worldwide and Regional Internet of Things 2014-2020 Forecast, IDC revealed its prediction that the global IoT market would hit $7.1 trillion by 2020, as people around the word — and particularly in developed nations — develop an affinity for full-time connectivity.

Total Market = Bottled Water + Smart City + IOT

Brief Description of Proposed R&D Project:

Woosh is willing to corporate in an R&D project focused on developing the next generation of the Smart Water Station for smart cities, IoT oriented.
The water station will have the following capabilities:
– High quality drinking water filtering system
– Bottle cleaning system for personal bottles
-Wi-Fi enabling for the station’s surrounding
-Smart sensors hosting
-Data collection, management and streaming about usage, water quality (and more).
– Interfacing with personal health Apps
– Interfacing in an IoT environment, solutions for smart cities.
– Charging dock for personal smartphone/tablets/electric bikes
– Municipal/commercial ads display
– Social networks connection

The scope of operation is investing in a joint R&D according to the following phases, including a beta site phase which will include a 5-10 stations deployment in a selected city (preference to Singapore).
Using the computerized capabilities of the stations and the desired partner company’s technological expertise in the field of IoT, data management and analysis, the R&D project would explore usage and compliance to the service, smart sensors installation on the stations, data collection, data usage for IoT applications, analysis and reports and data streaming to a City Cloud.
The joint project will be consisted of three stages:
1. “Lab Research” / “Thinking Group” stage – a joint task force from both companies will perform a research identifying potential risks/problems for deployment in the selected city and the modifications that needs to be made and would draft the technological master plan for the research. The task force would than conclude this stage by developing 5-10 modified stations taking to account aspects brought up within the thinking group (Hardware / Software/ Physical Presence / Water Treatment/ Telecommunication Infrastructure / etc.).
– The developed ready-made modified stations would then be deployed in a city as an on field testing- BETA SITE. In the:
2. ” Beta-Site” stage – Deployment of the 5-10 water stations in different predetermined locations in a city. The stations would be operating for a defined period of time. The entire developed components (the output from the R&D phase) would be put to field tests as part of the ongoing development. Data will be collected from the stations usage and sensors installed.
3. “Results and Analysis” stage- Data collected would be analyzed and presented to the deployed city. Conclusions of the research would rely heavily on results presented on this stage.
The mutual fields that would be jointly researched are:
• developing a “Tailor Made” water station for the project – the “next generation” of the woosh water stations ready made for the singapore market and global Smart-City/IoT markets
• Sensors -Software- Control center application- testing a variety of sensors installed on the stations than sorted to best results and highest potential for future deployments. The type of sensors that can be implemented would be: Air pollution; water quality; temperature, etc.
• Big data management and data analysis –
• The type of sensors that can be implemented would be: Various environment sensors. Such as: Air pollution; water quality; temperature, etc.
• Integration on City Sensor Platforms
• Software components to integrate and adapt information served from the municipalities for different purposes: touristic information, events and recommendations.
• Developing a software and protocol which will be able to collect data from installed sensors and transfer them to the control center .
• Integrate on City Control Center like Situation Room.
• Analyzing different data flows arriving from the water systems deployed, plus others generated by city sources, and others from social media, etc. to obtain knowledge in terms of user demand, typical routes, healthy lifestyle, etc.

Role of Requesting Company in Proposed R&D Project:

woosh’s technological contribution:
• Developing a “Tailor Made” water station for the project – the “next generation” of the woosh water stations- ready made for the European market and global Smart-City/IoT markets. The scope of development would focus on physical appearance and accessibility, user interface of the touchscreen operation system, water treatment specification and any other issues that would rise from a preliminary research.

• Integrating sensors installation on the station’s hardware – finding solutions via research for installment of the sensors with minimum interference with the functioning of the station.

• Integrating the sensors’ software into the station’s operating software- developing correlated software which handles both the basic operation of the system and the sensors installed.

Desired Profile of R&D Partner and its role in the proposed project:

woosh is seeking a partner company specializing in:
– IoT solutions, either:
– software developing (in the IoT field)
– IoT Apps developing

The partner company’s role in the R&D project would be:
– maximizing the IoT abilities of the woosh station based on its existing features
– developing IoT solutions for cities/personal users using woosh stations and its applicable sensors
– Improving data integration between woosh stations and personal health apps
– Improving the “smart water grid” offered to cities by deploying woosh stations.

For enquiry, please get in touch with us.