Gabkotech Innovations Pte Ltd


Gabkotech Innovations Pte Ltd


Chung Pin Teo









Technology Classification

Urban Solutions

Main Business Activity

Analytics engine for built environment industries & Building Management Solution Suite

Company Profile, Products & Technologies, Target Market:

Gabkotech Innovations Pte Ltd was founded in the year 2012. We specialize in developing IOT and SMART Workforce Solutions for Facilities Management. Our methodology is walking the process of Design, Consultancy, Project Management, Training, Qualification and Business Continuity with our client to reach their goals and objectives. Our main focus is to transform business applications to help service management industry to do workforce planning and scheduling for curbing manpower optimisation challenges. Empowering them to be more competitive in their own market field.

Our list of customers covers Facility Management Companies, Security Agencies, Cleaning, Mechanical Electrical Engineering, Pest Control and other services industries. The solution and services we provide helps in coping the common challenges of these industries like constant demand for managing manpower, changing standards, complying to regulatory requirements and gaining productivity using technology. Being a customer-oriented organisation, we are driven to provide the best quality service to meet their expectations and to see them achieve their business objectives.

Analytics engine for all built environment industries & Building Management Solution Suite
• iREP Security System – For Security Agencies
• iREP Workforce Management System – For Built Environment / Environmental Services Companies
• m2Sense Washroom Management System – For Facilities Management
• iREP FM – For Building Owners and Facilities Management
• Gabkotech Monitoring Tool for Building Analytics

Brief Description of Proposed R&D Project:

We intend to create a full Smart Buildings / Smart Facilities ecosystem which puts all the information and actions into the same platform for ease of building management.

It would also include AI and Machine Learning into the analytics / action platform, and create a smart control centre for building management, and in the long run, smart city management as well.

Role of Requesting Company in Proposed R&D Project:

We will have the built environment platform, and the necessary information collection solutions.

Desired Profile of R&D Partner and its role in the proposed project:

We would propose to have the partner create:
• AI / ML engine to plug into our system
• Create cross-platform links into the system
• if possible, create cyber security protection for the entire ecosystem

For enquiry, please get in touch with us.