Nodis Pte Ltd


Nodis Pte Ltd


Mike Holt








Technology Classification

Industrial Nanotech

Main Business Activity

Smart Glass and Display Technology

Company Profile, Products & Technologies, Target Market:

Controlling natural light into buildings is essential for our comfort in buildings and the energy efficiency of buildings. Nodis, a Singapore company, was founded in 2014 to transform how we use sunlight in lighting and heating buildings and creating comfortable, energy efficient environments.

Nodis is transforming windows by enabling people to control the natural light and infrared into buildings. Controlling natural light reduces glare and sets the right lighting level for comfort. Controlling infrared and light lowers energy consumption for heating, cooling and lighting. Changing the color sets the mood and aesthetics of a room. Nodis’ TruTint smart glass technology is transforming windows, giving people the ability to change the tint, color and temperature characteristics of windows instantly.


Products and Technology:
– Electrically switchable glass
– Nanoparticle technology that allows selection of any color for the glass (opaque, transparent or any tint color in between)


Target Market:
Glass market for architectural, automotive, aircraft and consumer

Brief Description of Proposed R&D Project:

The project is to implement a smart glass film display. This film will contain Nodis nanoparticles that are oriented to block or allow light based on an applied voltage. This film will be sold into various smart glass manufacturers.

Nodis seeks a partner who will fabricate nanopronted film. This film will incorporate Nodis nanoparticle technology in a suspension in the nanoprinted wells in the film. Nodis will then incorporate TFT to control each nanowell individually implementing a display.

This film will be tested for reliability, operating conditions and specifications.

Role of Requesting Company in Proposed R&D Project:

Incorporation of Nodis colored nanaoparticles. Integration of pixel level control to implement display technology.

Desired Profile of R&D Partner and its role in the proposed project:

Capabilities in nanoprinting/nanofabrication of plastic film.

Role will be development of nanoprinted film, optimized for various nanowell configurations and nanoparticle combination. Productization of display film via product validation, reliability and environmental testing.

For enquiry, please get in touch with us.