










Technology Classification

ICM & Digitalisation

Main Business Activity

ICM & Digitalisation

Company Profile, Products & Technologies, Target Market:

SkyLab offers companies and enterprises access to integrated operations control, real time performance insights, advanced networks and data logistics cloud across devices and controllers with a goal to gain insights and drive proactive actions on assets optimization and resource management. SkyLab also provides professional IoT strategy management and consultancy services. We help clients in the government and enterprise sectors to transform data into valuable business knowledge regarding operations and assets, thus improving business processes and creating new services. We develop alliance with best industry partners who provide data analytics, visualization and applications in multi-cloud, IoT and 4G/5G domains.

Number of employees: 50
Number of R&D staff: 30

Current Products/Technologies: DLC FusionFlow(TM): DLC (Data Logistic Cloud), is an end-to-end ecosystem that can drive synergies and network effects through improved Security, Latency and Scalability. We support multi-cloud, 5G and IoT technologies MEC: SkyLab’s Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC) is designed to be deployed as either a hardware or virtual device at edge locations to provide a platform for containerised applications to be deployed and centrally managed with SkyLab’s DLC.

Target Customers : Telcos and Enterprises in Asia, Europe and USA

Brief Description of Proposed R&D Project:

The objective of the project is to create scalable application and game streaming applications (productisation and commercialisation) based on Intel Scalable Video Technology (SVT) and SkyLab Edge Computing Technologies, providing flexible high-performance software encoder core libraries for media and visual cloud developers. Such libraries have the ability to accelerate innovation of new visual cloud services, serving as a starting point for developers to build faster and higher-quality full-feature encoder products. SVT is designed for cloud-native scalability, and it provides outstanding tradeoffs between visual quality and performance, for both VOD and live visual cloud applications.

For game streaming, we believe that today’s centralised cloud-gaming platforms do not yet provide an optimal user experience. With our technology team’s strong gaming background, we will guide the company to enhance current cloud gaming infrastructure with the SVT codec. This will allow game streaming to be run on SkyLab’s edge computing (MEC) platforms at the click of a button and expand use cases for AR/VR.

We believe a seamless application and game streaming experience will be essential in the COVID-19 era where remote working and work from home will become a reality for most of the workforce. This will enable more companies to take advantage of IoT and video analytics to solve real-world issues with AR/VR experiences.

Role of Requesting Company in Proposed R&D Project:

SkyLab will provide all core technologies required for the project.
We are an Intel IoT solutions alliance company with strong cloud, gaming and networking backgrounds. We will support all core networking and cloud technologies required for the project and the aim is to create suitable Application and Game Streaming technology that is compatible with the latest edge computing, mobile (4G/5G) technologies.
We will also provide a potential pool of clients to test this out during the pilot phase.

Desired Profile of R&D Partner and its role in the proposed project:

The R&D partner should be proficient in remote applications and video codec / streaming technologies.

Its role will be to work closely with SkyLab to define next generation remote application and game streaming technologies applicable for cloud-native and 5G platforms.

For enquiry, please get in touch with us.