


Aarti Sreenivas






+65 6781 5030


Technology Classification

Artificial Intelligence

Main Business Activity

AI Products & Solutions

Company Profile, Products & Technologies, Target Market:

TAIGER is a leading provider of AI-powered software solutions and a pioneer of knowledge worker

automation. TAIGER’s know-how is protected by a number of international patents and uses knowledge

representation, natural language processing (NLP) and semantic technologies. TAIGER’s currently offers

three main solutions: Taiger Extract, an information extraction tool that automatically identifies, extracts

and cleanses key pieces of information from any kind of documents; Taiger Converse, a virtual assistant

which focuses on meaning and context rather than just keywords allowing users to communicate in a

natural language; and lastly, Taiger Search, an advanced enterprise search engine that is able to

automatically tag metadata for a more comprehensive search experience.

Brief Description of Proposed R&D Project:

In today’s day and age, organizations still face a massive challenge with processing unstructured

documents into a digitized and structured format in an automated and cost-effective manner. The

proposed project seeks to address this pain point by developing a solution that can effectively process

images through a visual processing framework for documents. This is achieved through the creation of a

text analytics platform capable of extracting the most important data from documents and making them

available to customers to make more efficient use of them. This project consists of a visual processing

service and models trained by Deep Learning to offer a detector of faces, logos, scenes and objects on

any image that is passed to the platform and an OCR service that allows to detect and extract text from

images and scanned documents. This project would help to improve the accuracy in the analysis of

documents with a lot of noise. On top of this, the solution would also aim to extract text that are

multilingual and should be flexible in terms of also scraping the web for structured information


TAIGER would like to partner with an Israeli company to conduct jointly such research or a related

research & development project in the area of enhanced image processing and information extraction.

Role of Requesting Company in Proposed R&D Project:

Taiger can be responsible for R&D related to the product development and commercialization of the

final solution, tapping on its existing technologies and expertise in the area of information extraction

through its existing Extract solution. Taiger can work with the partner to design various versions of the

base product and plan how to bring the product to the many different organisations and markets.

Desired Profile of R&D Partner and its role in the proposed project:

Looking for a partner who is working in the space of image processing (OCR/ICR) and data analytics

capabilities. Firms with machine learning and deep learning capabilities are also welcome. The company

should be able to collaborate from R&D stage to product implementation.

For enquiry, please get in touch with us.